A Solution B, LLC

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Recently, I googled the word, energy. Immediately in the search appeared the following question: “Is Energy an element compound or mixture?” So…I clicked it.

The following statement appeared on the home screen: “ It[‘]s neither because energy is its own substance. It isn’t made of elements and it isn’t a mixture of anything. So thinking of that is neither.”

OK... so maybe using Google as a resource is questionable but to get a quick answer-it was appropriate.

Why energy, why is it even important?

For the last few months on my Facebook news feed, I’ve noticed an increase of posts on the topic of nutrition and sun energy. I realized a Facebook friend named Dominique, created these Facebook posts. Day after day, I would see pictures with beautiful, attractive fruits and vegetables, posts about alkaline water and posts about finding “wild berries” and other edible plants near his neighborhood. I took notice of this and I’m guessing other people did as well…evident by the increase of questions and responses on Dominique's posts. 

Let’s be clear…Dominique has not always lived this lifestyle of healthy eating. He is quite honest about this and even posts before and after pictures for people to see the difference. Maybe that is why I didn’t notice his posts until a year ago.

However, after some time, his regime and consistency caught my attention. I contacted Dominique via Facebook. We set up a day to discuss the changes he has made and insight Dominique has gained, thus becoming an Overcomer.

Q. You have recently made a change to your eating habits...tell me about this.

A. I felt I wasn't eating anything that could fuel my being with life, love, and positivity.

Q. What was it like before changing the foods you ate? Can you give me some examples, for instance, moods, physical feelings or psychological differences?

A. Just like anything that has a function...If u fuel it and take care of it properly, it will work more efficiently. I am stronger. I am happier; merely because that's what I synchronize my being with. All of my senses are amplified. I process thoughts differently now.

Back then I ate negative energy which allowed negative energy to taint my thoughts; so my actions were comprised of that frequency. I have more self-control over myself.

Q. That is amazing....What caused you to be hesitant before you started this healthy eating approach? How did you work through them?

A. I wasn't hesitant about anything. I understood the purpose of eating foods that emit positivity and got motivated.

Q. I believe there's a difference when you are confident in your decision...What did you learn about yourself from the process you went through to become committed to this.

A.I learned how much [positive] energy I was missing out on. So much of my life force was kept dormant due to improper body fuel... I feel more powerful.

Q. What are areas within this commitment you feel needs to continue to be worked on further.

A. The only thing I need to work on is my creativity [with my food]. My seasonings...nothing too major *insert chuckle here*

Q.What foods constitute as negative energy...just to be clear? Also, if someone becomes interested in this same approach but is anxious about it... What would you recommend?

A.By negative energy foods I mean-meats, dairy, fluoride, anything with chemicals as an ingredient...I love when people come to me and want to talk about energy and food. So when a person contacts me I'm willing to show them what I know.

Q. What are areas within this commitment you feel needs to continue to be worked on further.

A. The only thing I need to work on is my creativity [with my food]. My seasonings...nothing too major *insert chuckle here*

Q.What foods constitute as negative energy...just to be clear? Also, if someone becomes interested in this same approach but is anxious about it... What would you recommend?

A.By negative energy foods I mean-meats, dairy, fluoride, anything with chemicals as an ingredient...I love when people come to me and want to talk about energy and food. So when a person contacts me I'm willing to show them what I know.

AS. Thank you so much Dominique for sharing your insight today...I think your choice to share this, will inspire someone who is ambivalent to follow through on his/her commitment. 

Dominique’s responses are vibrant, natural and poetic…I think it’s safe to say that his physical and mental responses are congruent with the energy he speaks so highly about. Dominique made a major life adjustment, he has discovered his "Solution B". Something he is willing and motivated to do…this makes a difference.

As for you, any change (small or large) can seem like a big deal. Your choice to change does not have to be sudden; you can take one small step at a time, minute by minute, day by day. It's going to take some energy. Whatever you choose…OWN IT! Own your change like Dominique and you too can be an Overcomer.


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