Love Yourself Enough- Shamara's Insight



Love Yourself Enough

Photography by Edger Chaparro on Unsplash

We often think that the goal of life should be to find someone that “really” loves us! But what we fail to think about is loving our self. What does that even look like?  How do you even begin to love yourself? What if we loved our self enough?

Do You Love Yourself Enough?

Enough to recognize unhealthy relationship patterns, enough to end toxic family relationships, and enough to seek treatment for dealing with everything that we’ve been through and I do mean everything.  People tend to minimize stressors and trauma and feel that they aren’t important enough to seek treatment and no connection to current stressors when they really do. 

We tell ourselves things like “Suck it up, it could’ve been worse, it’s just the hand that I was dealt.” That’s wrong!  Losing a job, experiencing a break up, or even ending a relationship with a best friend are all stressors that could impact ones emotional well-being and daily functioning.  Trying to be the perfect daughter, sister, mother, or friend starts to weigh on you at a certain point!

You feel overwhelmed with life.

Recognize The Signs and Symptoms

The truth is balancing your needs and the needs of other’s around you can start to feel like a juggling act. You feel like you’re on edge all the time. You feel that there is no time for you.  You feel that there is no time for you to even have those feelings.  You feel like you don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself and that it would be pointless to do so. You feel overwhelmed with life.  

You may need to love yourself enough to recognize that there’s an issue.

We tell ourselves things like “Suck it up, it could’ve been worse…”

Getting To The Root Of The Problem

How did we get here? It could be due to not learning how to deal with stress growing up. What you saw in your childhood and how you experienced it may be directly impacting how you cope with things in your life and your view how you are supposed to handle things when they get rough.   Ask yourself, if you needed to remove a tooth that was hurting or causing you discomfort, the dentist would be first on your list. As you would expect they would mostly need to remove the entire tooth including the root. But, if your spirit is hurting and you having emotional discomfort that’s impacting your life wouldn’t the therapist need to get to the root to really determine how to help you and remove what’s causing you pain?

So how is it that we question whether our actual experiences impact who we are? 

Let’s get real sis, they do.

Written by: Shamara D. Gibson, LCSW

About the author

Shamara D. Gibson is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Qualified Supervisor, and Qualified in expert in Child Welfare. She is the owner of Mara's Lighthouse Counseling Center with more than 10 years of experience in the field of Mental health. At Mara's Lighthouse, its her mission to help you find your light, and find your healing.


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